NOTE: ASA reserves the right to enforce subsequent schedule changes made by the AMOC Committee or by the chairs of ASA Committees. Ancillary organizers will be notified if their requested time or location must be changed.
2. One of the benefits for commercial companies that exhibit at ANESTHESIOLOGY® 2025 is the opportunity to hold ancillary events during the meeting. Because non-exhibiting commercial companies are prohibited from advertising, soliciting or otherwise contacting ASA meeting registrants on official ASA meeting space or at ASA meeting facilities, ASA will not release or assign any of its meeting space to commercial companies not already contracted to be an official ASA exhibitor. For information about exhibiting at ANESTHESIOLOGY® 2025, companies beginning with letter A-K contact Christine Carchia at (770) 432-8410 x157, email:; companies beginning with letter L-Z contact Katie Burke at (770) 432-8410 x156, email: or go to the “Exhibits & Sponsors” Tab on the ASA annual meeting website,, for further details.
3. Prohibition of Exhibitor-Sponsored Scientific Sessions: Commercial firms that exhibit at the ANESTHESIOLOGY® 2025 annual meeting will not be permitted to conduct or sponsor independent educational activities, presentations or meetings in San Antonio, TX from Friday, October 10 through Wednesday, October 15, 2024. Only normal sales presentations describing products and their functions are allowed in the exhibit booths, facility sleeping rooms/suites, off-site ASA designated facilities dinners and/or receptions and any sponsored activity on the exhibit hall floor.
4. Promotional materials associated with each meeting/function must first be submitted to ASA for review and final approval. All promotional materials for ancillary meetings must include the following statement: This meeting is NOT an official program of ANESTHESIOLOGY® 2025. The name American Society of Anesthesiologists®, the acronym ASA®, ASA logo and the Annual meeting logo are registered trademarks of the American Society of Anesthesiologists. Use of the aforementioned in conjunction with promotional materials without the express written consent of American Society of Anesthesiologists is prohibited.
Use of the ASA logo, trademark, or name in conjunction with publicity must be pre-approved by ASA. ASA must not be represented as co-sponsoring an event unless it has been pre-approved by the Director of Meetings. Please e-mail Kevin Kirberg, Director of Meetings, at
Promotion of meetings is not permitted in/around the convention center, in the headquarter facilities, or through "room drops." ASA offers an opt-in list for purchase to interested organizations to promote their meetings and events. Limited, modest, on-site directional signage for ancillary meeting attendees is allowed. Signage must be specific; signs should clearly state the name and location of the event and should be professional in nature. Brochures/fliers may be distributed from the exhibitor booth during exhibitor hours.
5. Organizations will be notified via email when their application has been received. Facility placement will be assigned and communicated on a rolling basis. Please do not contact ASA by call or email prior to July to inquire about the status of your application. While this is rare and we avoid when possible, ASA and the facility have the right to move an event if ASA or the facility determines the space assigned is subsequently needed for an official ASA function or if the space is not best suited in the assigned room. Once rooms have been assigned, organizers are responsible for making all further arrangements for the event (e.g., AV, F&B requirements, billing arrangements) directly with the facility.
6. Please note that the facility may charge for the use of the meeting room. Room rental can be negotiated between the organizer and the facility (after space assignment has been confirmed). Each function will be handled individually and issued a separate contract. All meeting room rental fees, food and beverage, audiovisual equipment rentals and other services are the responsibility of the organizer. Organizers should study function contracts carefully before signing, paying special attention to cancellation clauses. In the event of a canceled function, the organizer may be required to pay the facility for lost revenue. Requests for 24-hour hold on meeting space will not be honored or confirmed by ASA. Such requests will be determined at the discretion of the assigned facility.
7. Organizations who contact facilities on their own or otherwise attempt to circumvent ASA ancillary meeting space assignment process are subject to possible revocation of privileges at future ASA meetings and events.
8. ASA reserves the right to accept, reject or condition acceptance, based on ASA’s sole discretion, for any reason, which need not be disclosed to the organizations. All outstanding obligations to ASA by the organization, including payment of all debts must be fulfilled prior to space assignment. Ancillary and satellite events (approved by ASA) shall in no way state or imply endorsement of, or support by, ASA for the event, organizer, products or services discussed in announcements, advertising, on any signage or during the presentations.
9. The organization shall protect, indemnify, hold harmless and defend ASA, its officers, directors, agents, members and employees against all such claims, liabilities, losses, damages and expenses, including reasonable attorneys’ fees and costs of litigation, resulting from the organization’s negligence or willful misconduct; provided that the foregoing shall not apply to injury, loss or damage caused by or resulting from the negligence of ASA, its officers, directors, agents, members or employees.
ASA has the full authority to interpret or amend these rules at its sole discretion. All decisions will be final. Exhibitors agree to abide by any Terms and Conditions that may hereafter be adopted. All matters or questions not covered by the above rules and regulations are subject to the discretion of ASA. These Terms and Conditions may be amended at any time by ASA, and all amendments shall be equally binding on all parties.
In the event of any amendment or addition to these guidelines, written notice will be given by ASA to such parties.